Blue Cross Community Care Services Group Pty Ltd
Residents: 78
Type: Private Incorporated Body
Provider: Blue Cross Community Care Services Group Pty Ltd
Accreditation Report (RACS Id 3605)
Do you need respite care, convalescent care, or permanent care for a loved one at BlueCross Ashby?
Are you seaching for an immediate vacancy in an aged care home in TEMPLESTOWE LOWER or surrounding suburbs?
If the time to transition to an aged care home is necessary, we're here to guide you through the process.
Our knowledgeable team will carefully identify suitable local aged care homes. We'll arrange facility tours to suit your personal calendar to enable your decision-making, handle all the paperwork (including Pre-Admission and the Services Australia/Centrelink SA457, SA485, SS313 Forms), and provide valuable support as you undertake this important activity.
BlueCross Ashby has added 18 new rooms to allow for Ageing in Place.
Rooms are a short walk from common rooms and peaceful outdoor settings and are fitted throughout with:
The lifestyle focus at Ashby is independence and personal wellbeing. There are a diverse range of activities coordinated regularly to keep residents stimulated. These include:
With a Council library service operating regularly, the immaculate landscaped gardens are well-used for quiet relaxation with a book or a friend.
Focus on individuality
A relatively new residence, all the staff at BlueCross Ashby received the same training from the opening in 2002, with a strong emphasis on person-centred care and respecting the individual.
A pre-admission meeting with the Clinical Care Coordinator is arranged for each potential resident to determine the specific needs and capabilities of that individual.
A Pastoral Care program is also designed for new residents to aid the transition from home living to the community of BlueCross Ashby.
The menu reflects a love and respect for good food. The onsite chef can tailor meals to suit any special dietary requirements.
Other features
Responsive and planned respite options are available to relieve families under pressure.
First select the RAD Amount that has been agreed to:
Agreed RAD: $
Use the slider to see how your daily accommodation payment (DAP) will change depending on the lump sum component of the RAD paid. The daily payment is based on the current maximum permissible interest rate (MPIR) of 8.42%.
% |
Lump Sum Paid: $
DAP :$20.20 pd
Interest rate (MPIR) is: 8.42%pa
(from 1/01/2025)
During the family consultation we gather your requirements and provide you with current and independent information about the available aged care options.
Our research and shortlisting will help match the right aged care service to your specific family needs. This will include Care homes with immediate room availability.
The RAD and Additional Service Fee Negotiation service has helped many families reduce the cost of accommodation.
Making sure that all important paperwork (SA457, SA485, SS313, Pre-Admission Forms) is completed correctly and submitted in a timely manner.
Senior Moves can help with the settling in period to ensure that all items are fully addressed. We can help smooth out any ripples in the transition process.
Our Relocation Service is designed to carefully disperse, pack, clean, arrange transport and unpack,to minimise the stress during the transition time.