Lionsbrae Hostel


Ringwood Area Lions Aged Care Inc

Care Home Directory

Lionsbrae Hostel


Residents: 69

Type: Community Based

Provider: Ringwood Area Lions Aged Care Inc

Accreditation Report (RACS Id 3134)

Need Accommodation and Care Services?

Do you need respite care, convalescent care, or permanent care for a loved one at Lionsbrae Hostel?

Are you seaching for an immediate vacancy in an aged care home in RINGWOOD EAST or surrounding suburbs?

If the time to transition to an aged care home is necessary, we're here to guide you through the process.

Our knowledgeable team will carefully identify suitable local aged care homes. We'll arrange facility tours to suit your personal calendar to enable your decision-making, handle all the paperwork (including Pre-Admission and the Services Australia/Centrelink SA457, SA485, SS313 Forms), and provide valuable support as you undertake this important activity.

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Facilities and Services

Ralac’s Lionsbrae, located at 29 Everard Rd, East Ringwood offers accommodation and care for 69 residents.

Ralac is a not for profit community based organisation providing aged care and affordable community housing. Originally established by the Maroondah Lions Clubs, Ralac is now managed by an independent Board of Management, the members of which are drawn from the community.

With a strong focus on equity, ralac strives to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Creating communities based on understanding and respect is at the core of their work.

Lionsbrae is different from other aged care homes because it was established by the community for the community. The warm, homelike environment is the first thing that greets you when they walk in the door. At Lionsbrae they genuinely strive to respect each person’s choice and individuality. The friendly home does not compromise on clinical care with Registered Nurses employed around the clock.

Ralac has recently been recognised as a specialised provider of aged care to people from a background of homelessness or who have been at the risk of homelessness. The Commonwealth Government has granted Lionsbrae 14 aged care places specifically for people from these backgrounds. With the new places came capital funding to construct a new 15 bed unit, as well as refurbishment of the existing facilities.

Ralac is delighted to be recognised as a provider of aged care to people from a background of disadvantage and in particular homelessness as homelessness is now impacting on more and more older people.

Criteria for entry: An Aged Care Assessment stating that the prospective resident is eligible for residential care. A Centrelink means test assessment (available on the Centrelink website). Residents who are not supported may be asked to pay an accommodation payment up to the maximum amount of $550,000

Rooms in Melaleuca are contained in a 12 bedroom Unit, specifically designed to offer care and accommodation to younger people. Rooms are of an older style, but extremely homelike. All rooms are freshly painted before new occupancy. Lionsbrae prides itself on integration of rooms with surrounding gardens and the use of natural light. All rooms have hydronic heating and ceiling fans, windows are able to be opened.

Rooms in Grevillea are contained in a 10 bedroom Dementia Care Specific Unit, specifically designed to offer care and accommodation to people experiencing dementia. Rooms are of an older style, but extremely homelike. All rooms are freshly painted before new occupancy. Lionsbrae prides itself on integration of rooms with surrounding gardens and the use of natural light. All rooms have hydronic heating and ceiling fans, windows are able to be opened.

Communal areas use natural light, are homelike, have hydronic heating and airconditioning and offer views onto the garden. Lionsbrae offers shared dining/ lounge area, activities room , tea bays and recessed wall nooks to take in the sun. Gardens offer BBQ, designated smoking areas, kitchen gardens, pergola etc. With an emphasis on the natural world the gardens include a chicken house and rabbit enclosure. Golden Wattle Couples offers 2 rooms, shared ensuite and small entry foyer. These 2 rooms are particularly suitable for couples as they have one entry door for the small apartment.

Melaleuca lounge includes games, access to free computer and wi fi and age appropriate movies and activities. Lionsbrae strives to be as evocative of the traditional domestic garden as possible embracing the concept of self sufficiency.

Care Homes - State Directories

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RAD to DAP Conversion

First select the RAD Amount that has been agreed to:

      Agreed RAD: $

Use the slider to see how your daily accommodation payment (DAP) will change depending on the lump sum component of the RAD paid. The daily payment is based on the current maximum permissible interest rate (MPIR) of 8.17%.


  Lump Sum Paid: $

DAP :$20.20 pd

Interest rate (MPIR) is: 8.17%pa
(from 1/04/2025)

Understanding Your Unique Family Needs and Preferences

During the family consultation we gather your requirements and provide you with current and independent information about the available aged care options.

Matching your Requirements to the Appropriate Accommodation

Our research and shortlisting will help match the right aged care service to your specific family needs. This will include Care homes with immediate room availability.

Negotiating the Accommodation RAD/DAP and Additional Service Fees

The RAD and Additional Service Fee Negotiation service has helped many families reduce the cost of accommodation.

Completing the Pre-Admission and Centrelink Forms

Making sure that all important paperwork (SA457, SA485, SS313, Pre-Admission Forms) is completed correctly and submitted in a timely manner.

Settling In and Advocacy

Senior Moves can help with the settling in period to ensure that all items are fully addressed. We can help smooth out any ripples in the transition process.

Relocation Services

Our Relocation Service is designed to carefully disperse, pack, clean, arrange transport and unpack,to minimise the stress during the transition time.

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Aged Care Placement?

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