Regis Aged Care Pty Ltd
440 Camberwell ROAD CAMBERWELL VIC 3124
Residents: 60
Type: Private Incorporated Body
Provider: Regis Aged Care Pty Ltd
Accreditation Report (Id 3452)
Do you need respite care, convalescent care, or permanent care for a loved one at Regis Shenley Manor?
Are you seaching for an immediate vacancy in an aged care home in CAMBERWELL or surrounding suburbs?
If the time to transition to an aged care home is necessary, we're here to guide you through the process.
Our knowledgeable team will carefully identify suitable local aged care homes. We'll arrange facility tours to suit your personal calendar to enable your decision-making, handle all the paperwork (including Pre-Admission and the Services Australia/Centrelink SA457, SA485, SS313 Forms), and provide valuable support as you undertake this important activity.
Overlooking the Camberwell Sports Ground, Regis Shenley Manor aged care home offers a peaceful setting with central sun-drenched courtyards and walkways taking in the lush gardens. Situated just 200 metres from the Camberwell Junction and Burke Road shopping and cafe strip, Shenley Manor is set on a wide tree-lined street well served by trams and buses.
Regis Shenley Manor is a Regis Club Services home offering hotel-style services, a range of Club Services rooms and first-class amenities. All 60 beds are single rooms with en suites, some with spacious balconies, and all feature contemporary furnishings and finishes.
To compliment the high-quality aged care services Shenley Manor features an on-site chef, cinema, cafe, private dining room, internet and Foxtel, library, hairdressing salon and day spa.
Regis Shenley Manor was a finalist in the Facility of the Year Award 2014.
With over 25 years’ experience, Regis Aged Care is proud to provide residents with the support they need to live life on their terms.
Regis believe it is vitally important to stay engaged with life, to stay involved with current interests and develop new ones. This is why at Regis they create a personalised lifestyle program for each resident and encourage the whole family to be involved.
Regis understand how important nutritious and wholesome food is – that’s why they have qualified chefs, cooks and catering teams in all of their homes who cook on-site from scratch to deliver quality meals to each and every one of the residents.
First select the RAD Amount that has been agreed to:
Agreed RAD: $
Use the slider to see how your daily accommodation payment (DAP) will change depending on the lump sum component of the RAD paid. The daily payment is based on the current maximum permissible interest rate (MPIR) of 8.17%.
% |
Lump Sum Paid: $
DAP :$20.20 pd
Interest rate (MPIR) is: 8.17%pa
(from 1/04/2025)
During the family consultation we gather your requirements and provide you with current and independent information about the available aged care options.
Our research and shortlisting will help match the right aged care service to your specific family needs. This will include Care homes with immediate room availability.
The RAD and Additional Service Fee Negotiation service has helped many families reduce the cost of accommodation.
Making sure that all important paperwork (SA457, SA485, SS313, Pre-Admission Forms) is completed correctly and submitted in a timely manner.
Senior Moves can help with the settling in period to ensure that all items are fully addressed. We can help smooth out any ripples in the transition process.
Our Relocation Service is designed to carefully disperse, pack, clean, arrange transport and unpack,to minimise the stress during the transition time.