Samarinda Lodge


Boroondara Aged Services Society

Care Home Directory

Samarinda Lodge


Residents: 92

Type: Community Based

Provider: Boroondara Aged Services Society

Accreditation Report (Id 3196)

Need Accommodation and Care Services?

Do you need respite care, convalescent care, or permanent care for a loved one at Samarinda Lodge?

Are you seaching for an immediate vacancy in an aged care home in ASHBURTON or surrounding suburbs?

If the time to transition to an aged care home is necessary, we're here to guide you through the process.

Our knowledgeable team will carefully identify suitable local aged care homes. We'll arrange facility tours to suit your personal calendar to enable your decision-making, handle all the paperwork (including Pre-Admission and the Services Australia/Centrelink SA457, SA485, SS313 Forms), and provide valuable support as you undertake this important activity.

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About Samarinda Lodge

Samarinda Lodge Ashburton 1

Samarinda Ashburton Aged Services offers both permanent accommodation and respite care at 286 High Street Ashburton. As a community based service, the is locals looking after locals.

Care and support is tailored for each person based on personal preferences. The Samarinda staff work with residents and their carers and families in a partnership approach to deliver personalised and coordinated services that are designed for each individual. Systems and procedures are structured to give residents and families greater say and control over their daily lives. Carers are supported and involved. Volunteers participate as key partners.

Residents with dementia are engaged in daily experiences that are familiar and comforting and designed to preserve independence for as long as possible.

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Samarinda is an active community where high quality care, includes taking account of social, emotional, cultural and religious needs. Residents are respected for their talents, skills and histories and their individual needs are recognised, celebrated and acted upon.

Consumer Directed Care - revolves around residents and their carers providing input into the services that are delivered through individual and group meetings, forums and surveys. Meeting individual needs is the hallmark of Samarinda services.

Services are usually provided on site, including medical services. Social programs are planned so that residents can enjoy a wide range of in-house activities daily.

Lifestyle Services

High quality care is provided in a welcoming environment where residents are free to move around and enjoy outdoor and indoor spaces, limited only by their individual abilities. Samarinda is our residents’ home.

Unobtrusive specialist clinical, ancillary health services and personal care services are delivered without fuss in a relaxed and safe environment.

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The Samarinda community is made up of Samarinda residents, their families and carers, staff, volunteers and external service provider partners. Residents at Samarinda are typically older adults who are unable to live independently in their own homes.

Daily social programs, including music therapy, individualised music programs, gardening, armchair travel, arts and crafts and word challenges and other intellectual pursuits, to name a few, are structured so that there is always something to do. The Music Therapy program is a perfect example of how these important social and lifestyle programs make a difference

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Families and carers are welcome at any time to share time at Samarinda with residents or to take residents out for family celebrations and home visits.

Major local and national days and festivities, such as Australia Day, Chinese New Year and Melbourne Cup along with special religious observances are celebrated and all have a place in our calendar of events.

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Residents are able to go for a morning walk, sometimes with carers and sometimes independently. Other residents will walk or take a bus, which stops outside Samarinda, to nearby shops to do banking or buy personal items. Some residents continue to participate in activities they enjoyed before becoming members of our Samarinda Community, like attending RSL meetings or University of the Third Age classes.

Religious and cultural linkages are fostered. Samarinda organises visits from a number of chaplains who deliver services in one of the communal areas.

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Food and Dining

Samarinda residents enjoy meals cooked onsite daily by an award winning chef and kitchen staff. Over the years Samarinda has earned numerous awards for the quality and scope of its menus and food services.

Breakfast, lunch and the evening meal are served in the dining room, unless residents choose to eat in their rooms. Morning and afternoon tea, home made in the onsite kitchen, are brought to residents in their rooms or during social programs. If residents are on outings, meals are provided by request.

Residents who need help to eat their meals get individual attention. Those who need alternative textured diets are well catered for.

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Samarinda prides itself on the quality of its menus, with junk food avoided, other than very occasionally or by specific request. Fresh vegetables and, fruit with a focus on protein, a home-cooking style combined with a choice of offerings means that each meal is nutritious and appetising.

Treats and traditional foods are made for special days like Easter, the Melbourne Cup and Christmas. Special dietary needs are catered for.

The lifestyle team provide a large variety of drinks at lunch including alcoholic beverages for those who enjoy them and where there are no contraindications from the doctor.

Samarinda can arrange private dining by request if families want to eat together from time to time, or to enjoy a special family celebration.

On a few occasions each year the dining room is opened up for larger celebrations of the Samarinda Community. For example, a three course Christmas Lunch is served to residents and their families.

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Permanent Residents

Personalised bedrooms combine disability specific equipment, beds and bathrooms with home furnishings and belongings, giving residents a real sense of being in a home-like environment. Residents and their carers are consulted and determine their care arrangements whenever possible.

The shared spaces at Samarinda are large and open with artwork, warm colours and comfortable furnishings.

Bedrooms are located on two floors. Movement around Samarinda is easy with wide corridors and two lifts available to move between floors.

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Respite residents

Samarinda offers short-term respite accommodation, with many short-term residents joining Samarinda from time to time throughout the year. While at Samarinda respite residents continue to be linked to the community services that they need and enjoy while living in their own homes.

Additional Services

Samarinda is approved for the following NDIS related services:

  • Accommodation Tenancy
  • Assist Personal Activities
  • Assist Personal Activities High
  • Assist Life Stage Transition
  • Assist Travel/Transport
  • Behaviour Support
  • Community Nursing Care
  • Daily Tasks Shared Living
  • Development Life Skills
  • Group Centre Activities
  • Household Tasks
  • Participate Community
  • Plan Management
  • Support Coordination
  • Therapeutic Supports

Care Homes - State Directories

VIC Care Homes
NSW Care Homes
QLD Care Homes
SA Care Homes
WA Care Homes
TAS Care Homes
ACT Care Homes
NT Care Homes

RAD to DAP Conversion

First select the RAD Amount that has been agreed to:

      Agreed RAD: $

Use the slider to see how your daily accommodation payment (DAP) will change depending on the lump sum component of the RAD paid. The daily payment is based on the current maximum permissible interest rate (MPIR) of 8.17%.


  Lump Sum Paid: $

DAP :$20.20 pd

Interest rate (MPIR) is: 8.17%pa
(from 1/04/2025)

Understanding Your Unique Family Needs and Preferences

During the family consultation we gather your requirements and provide you with current and independent information about the available aged care options.

Matching your Requirements to the Appropriate Accommodation

Our research and shortlisting will help match the right aged care service to your specific family needs. This will include Care homes with immediate room availability.

Negotiating the Accommodation RAD/DAP and Additional Service Fees

The RAD and Additional Service Fee Negotiation service has helped many families reduce the cost of accommodation.

Completing the Pre-Admission and Centrelink Forms

Making sure that all important paperwork (SA457, SA485, SS313, Pre-Admission Forms) is completed correctly and submitted in a timely manner.

Settling In and Advocacy

Senior Moves can help with the settling in period to ensure that all items are fully addressed. We can help smooth out any ripples in the transition process.

Relocation Services

Our Relocation Service is designed to carefully disperse, pack, clean, arrange transport and unpack,to minimise the stress during the transition time.

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